Ring That Phone!
In 2008, while working as an Executive Assistant for IBM, I supported four internal clients. Two of them were remote. That was before we had Microsoft TEAMS and Zoom so I never met my remote clients “face-to-face.” The only time I saw their faces was when I looked at their photos in the company directory. We corresponded with each other primarily via email (sounds so “old school,” I know).
One of my remote clients made a permanent, lasting impression on me by doing the very simplest of things. Once or twice a year, he would pick up the phone and call me at work, simply to chat for a few minutes and ask how things were going. He didn’t call because he needed anything from me; he only wanted to check in and see how I was doing and what I was up to. It was always a pleasure to chat with him.
I never forgot that small, simple act and it left an impression; a very positive one. I have never met anyone like him since and he taught me some very important lessons. He understood the importance of connection and taking a few minutes out of the day to chat with those he worked with. He took an interest in other people and treated them like they mattered. He knew that electronic communication, while valuable, was not the only way (nor always the best way) to interact with others.
While I no longer work at IBM and have no idea where he is now, I have never forgotten the positive impact he had on me and how he treated me. It’s almost funny how such a simple thing that takes only a few minutes, can leave an impression that is still fondly remembered over a decade later.
Fast forward to 2022. I had met a retired lady named Helen years ago via the art community and we had a bit of a connection. Due to COVID we had not been in touch for quite some time, but she called me one day “out of the blue.” I was driving at the time so I couldn’t answer the phone, but I called her back within a couple of days. You should have heard the excitement in her voice when she heard my voice. She was thrilled and so appreciative that I had taken the time to call her back!
To me, it was a “no brainer.” Why wouldn’t I call her back? But it meant something to her; in fact, it meant a great deal to her. All it took was a few minutes of my time and we had a great conversation. She told me I had made her day and that made me feel really good.
In February 2023 I read an interview in People magazine with actress Reese Witherspoon and she was asked a question about the “pre-texting era.” Her response was bang on: “There’s a point when you need to get off texts. I talk to my kids who are older about the power of picking up the phone. Having that direct communication can sometimes get right to the point.”
When was the last time you picked up the phone?
When was the last time someone called you to chat?
How did that make you feel?
Recommended Resources
- Article by Andrea Wigfield – “Calling People on the Phone…” – https://studyfinds.org/phone-calls-anxiety-well-being-mental-health/
- Article by Melissa Kaufman – “The Phone Call Challenge: The antidote to a disconnected world.” - https://crounse.medium.com/the-phone-call-challenge-the-antidote-to-a-disconnected-world-7b96953fb5a4
Monthly Challenge
- Once a week, choose one person (friend, family or colleague) that you are going to call and catch up with. Note their response to your call.