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  • • 2025-02-18

    The Fear of Public Speaking 3 Content and Delivery

    In last week's episode I spoke about the value of preparation. In this episode we go more in depth into that, specifically as it relates to content and delivery and some things you can do to prepare both. Watch this video for more details!

  • • 2025-02-11

    The Fear of Public Speaking 2 Preparation

    Benjamin Franklin said, "By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail." Malcolm X said, "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." In this second video of the series on the Fear of Public Speaking, we are going to discuss the value of preparation. Elite athletes spend countless hours preparing for their events and when "the day" comes to compete, they rely on their training. The same principle is true for speaking. Find out more in this video!

  • • 2025-02-04

    The Fear of Public Speaking 1 Change the Mindset

    It has been said that the fear of public speaking is as strong as the fear of dying.  Well, that is no way to live is it?  Today’s video addresses where fear actually begins – in the mind!  Before you can learn any tips and strategies for overcoming this fear, the perception needs to change so that the fear doesn’t seem so big and insurmountable.  Watch this video for three “2-word principles” that can help you take that first step!

  • • 2025-01-22

    How to Manage Stage Fright

    I was pleased to return to "Talk of the Town" with Lisa Peters on January 22, 2025 to talk about "How to Manage Stage Fright." Tune in to hear our conversation with tips on how you can manage your fear of standing in front of others to speak!

  • • 2025-01-01

    Confidence in Public Speaking

    On January 1, 2025 it was my pleasure to join Lisa Peters on "Talk of the Town" to discuss Confidence in Public Speaking. Tune in to this episode (turn the volume up) to hear what we discussed.

  • • 2024-12-06

    My Piano Teacher Is Missing!

    I first competed this Tall Tale (this video is a practice version I did at home) titled “My Piano Teacher Is Missing!” at the Club level in District 42 on Oct. 21, 2021. I made it all the way to the District level but did not place. Fast forward to 2024 and I competed it again on behalf of a newly chartered Club in District 123.  I won at Area and placed 2nd at Division on Dec. 3.  The audience loved the speech; got some laughs.  Had a wonderful journey with this speech.  Enjoy!

  • • 2024-11-28

    Stock Photos for PowerPoint

    Good quality, high-resolution photos can enhance a PowerPoint presentation and help draw the audience’s attention.  When it comes to photos of people, however, are stock photos a good idea?  Find out more in this video.

  • • 2024-11-21

    Cite AI?

    When speakers use quotes in their messages, they typically cite their source(s). Does the same apply to AI? Should speakers cite the source when using AI or allow the audience to think the content is their own? Find out more in this video.

  • • 2024-11-17

    WESK Open Mic Night

    I am a member of WESK (Women Entrepreneurs Saskatchewan) and they held an Open Mic Night on Nov. 13, 2024 where members could give a 3-minute pitch on their business. This is my pitch for my coaching business, DW Coaching, and it could not have gone any better! It was a great experience and I loved every minute of it!

  • • 2024-11-14

    Horse Power

    This is a humorous speech I delivered in person at the Toastmasters Division B (D42) event on Saturday, Sept. 14/24. The journey with this speech began in 2017 with a Toastmasters project titled, "My Man Dave."

    It then evolved to a Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest speech in 2022 titled, "It's Mine and I'm Stickin' With It!" making it all the way to the District level.

    For the Sept. 14 Division event I pulled out and worked with a coach to revamp it and it was very well received!

  • • 2024-11-14

    The Power Behind Your Speech

    What is the real power behind a speaker’s presentation?   Take a guess and then watch this video to find out!

  • • 2024-10-31

    What Style Suits You?

    It is not uncommon for speakers to have a certain presentation style that they gravitate towards; think of it as wearing a comfortable pair of shoes or a favorite pair of jeans. Given that different speeches have different purposes, the ability to present in a variety of styles becomes a strength for the speaker. Find out more in this video.

  • • 2024-10-24

    Speaking Is Like Playing the Piano

    Do you think there may be similarities between speaking and playing the piano?  If you are curious, watch this video to find out more!

  • • 2024-10-17

    Election Time!

    Can you judge someone based on what you hear them say in one minute?  Of course you can and politicians know this better than anyone.  It’s municipal election time where I live and all of the candidates for Mayor and City Council have a brief profile listed on the City website which includes a one-minute video.  Busy voters may very well make their voting choice based on that one-minute.  Who did well and who didn’t?

  • • 2024-10-03

    Handouts for PowerPoint

    How can you engage your audience in PowerPoint and avoid "death by PowerPoint?" Find out how in this video!

  • • 2024-09-26

    Fill In The Blank

    Informational presentations are the most difficult to present because they are content-based. How can you keep your audience engaged when delivering information? Find out one way in this video!

  • • 2024-09-19

    Sharks or Public Speaking?

    Sharks or public speaking – which are you more afraid of? What if you had to face them both? That happened to Paul. Find out more in this video.

  • • 2024-09-12


    How do you know how many points to include in your speech? How can you avoid overloading your audience? Find out the answer in this video.

  • • 2024-09-05

    Social Media - Plan and Prepare

    Social media makes it very easy to share messages, but it is often done without a great deal of thought. In this video you will find out the importance of planning and preparing for your next social media video.

  • • 2024-08-26

    How To Drive Conversations in Positive Directions

    On August 26, 2024 I was thrilled to be a guest on Access Communications "Talk of the Town" with Lisa Peters. In this clip we discuss how to drive conversations in positive directions! Listen to find out three simple tips on how to do exactly that!

  • • 2024-08-29

    A Speakers Biggest Fear

    People sometimes think that public speaking is a fate worse than death. But, what is at the root of the fear of public speaking? The answer may surprise you. Find out more in this video.

  • • 2024-08-13

    Speech Contests

    Speech Contests are an excellent way to improve your public speaking skills! The time spent working with a coach and competing in contests are invaluable in growing your skills and your confidence. They are like a "mini speech boot camp." Find out more in this video!

  • • 2024-08-08

    Opening or Closing First

    The most basic speech structure is: opening, body and closing. If you think about the opening and the closing, which do you think you would start with first? The answer might surprise you. Find out more in this video!

  • • 2024-08-01


    Preparation is key when it comes to putting together a quality speech or presentation. However, it can feel daunting. “How much time do I spend on this?” At times, it may feel like it is always there in the back of your mind, yet you never really get around to it. During my competition journey from 2021 to 2024 I came up with a specific strategy that helped set me up for success during the preparation stage and kept my speech from weighing on me in my mind. Find out how in this tip.

  • • 2024-07-25

    Where Can You Find Inspiration?

    Where can you find speech topics? Does it need to be an extraordinary event in your life or a significant accomplishment? Or can meaningful messages be drawn for every day life? Find out more in this clip!

  • • 2024-07-11

    Words and Emotions

    When was the last time you heard someone speak but noticed that the emotions on their face didn’t match their words? What impression did that leave you with? When sharing a story or a presentation that elicits emotion it is important that words and emotions match. Find out more in this video!

  • • 2024-07-04


    Impromptu speaking, believe it or not, is a skill. How can you drive those "in the hall" conversations in a positive direction? You can do it with two simple words. Find out more in this video.

  • • 2024-06-27


    Acronyms are a great way to anchor your speech or presentation. But why, exactly? Find out in this speaking tip!

  • • 2024-06-13

    Simple Stories

    One of the first questions a speaker might ask themselves is, "What do I talk about?" Believe it or not, some of the most meaningful messages can come from the simplest of stories. Find out more in this video!

  • • 2024-06-06


    How do you make sure that your speech flows from beginning to end? Find out in this video!

  • • 2024-05-30

    Make An Immediate Connection

    How can you connect with your audience immediately without saying a word?

  • • 2024-04-28

    Internalization - Take It Outside

    This is a second tip on how to internalize your speech - but this one has a fun twist!

  • • 2022-10-03

    It's Mine and I'm Stickin' To It (Practice)

    This is a practice run-through of my speech for the District 42 Humorous Speech Contest in the Fall of 2022. I recorded this on my iPad at home.

  • • 2023-10-23

    From There to Here

    This is my Toastmasters Pathways project speech titled, “From There to Here.”

  • • 2023-04-29

    Two Words (District 42 Contest)

    This is the the recording of my speech, “Two Words” at the District 42 Toastmasters International Speech Contest. The contestants were not provided copies of the recordings of their contest speeches. As the contest was pre-recorded (prior to the District Conference) I was able to record my speech on my iPad when it was played at the Conference. For best results, please turn up the volume.

  • • 2023-04-12

    Two Words (Practice)

    This is a recorded practice of my 2023 Toastmasters International Speech Contest speech titled, “Two Words.” It was recorded on my iPad and you can see the grey “foot” of the iPad stand at the bottom of the screen. The iPad was sitting on top of several packages of paper (that is the white surface underneath the iPad).

  • • 2024-04-21


    As a speaker you want to speak from your heart (not your head). How do you move your speech from it being memorized (in your head) to internalized (in the heart)? Here is one tip I learned that has helped me.

  • • 2024-02-14

    Take the Step

    In early 2024 I had been invited to speak to the “Downtowners” Toastmasters Club in Regina on the topic of Networking. I was immediately inspired by the topic and did this custom speech just for their Club.

  • • 2023-12-18


    This was a Toastmasters Pathways “Research and Present” project speech that was based on my experiences in walk/running events in 2023. I had a lot of fun with this speech and humor definitely comes into play.

  • • 2022-05-08

    Where Do You Live? (District 123 Contest)

    This is my Toastmasters speech for the 2022 International Speech Contest titled, “Where Do You Live?” That year I competed in District 123 (Ontario, Canada) and placed third. That was the first time I had placed in the top three at the District level and I was thrilled!

  • • 2024-04-11


    While speeches are about the spoken word, there is another element that is worth considering and that is the "all important pause." What value does a pause add and how long should you pause after asking the audience a question? Discover more in this video!

  • • 2024-02-03

    Similar Not Special

    To engage your audience and be relatable, as a speaker, you want to appear similar and not special. This can be done very easily. Reach out to me today and I will show you how!

  • • 2024-01-11

    Create Curiosity

    As a speaker you have about 7 seconds to gain your audience's attention and about another 25 seconds to keep it. In today's video I demonstrate one way to create curiosity in the minds of the audience. Contact me if you'd like to work together on creating curiosity in the minds of your listeners for your next presentation.

  • • 2024-04-07


    As you think about stories from your life that you can share with your audience who are some of your heroes? A hero can be a person, place or thing that provided you with wisdom and insight that helped you solve a problem or take that next step forward. Who are they in your life and how did they impact you?

  • • 2024-03-31


    Stories are the best way to illustrate the point you wish to make with your audience. Which stories are the best and which stories should you avoid? Find out more in this week's episode!

  • • 2024-03-24

    Digging For The Gold

    Digging for the gold in your speech is one of the most important lessons a speaker can learn. It took me a year to learn it. Find out more about how to dig for the gold in your next presentation.

  • • 2024-03-17

    Coaching Is An Investment

    What exactly is coaching? How would you define it? My answer may surprise you. Watch this week's video to find out.

  • • 2024-03-10

    Why Dialogue Matters

    One of the ways in which a speaker can breathe life (CPR - crafting, preparing, revising) into their speech is through the use of dialogue. Find out more in this video!

  • • 2024-03-03


    CPR is a technique used to literally breathe life into a person who is suffering a cardiac event, but did you know that you can also breathe life into your speeches using CPR? Find out more in this week's video!

  • • 2024-02-25


    Humor is an interesting part of speaking and, for me, resulted in the worst speech I ever gave! Really, it was the worse ever! Listen to this week's video for more about my experience and what I learned about incorporating humor into a speech or presentation!

  • • 2024-02-18

    Motivation - Part 2

    While every speech is a sale of some type, motivation is a key part of making "the sale." To take it even deeper, people are motivated by their needs. How can you as a speaker address the potential needs of your audience so that they are motivated to "buy" what you are selling?

  • • 2024-02-08

    Motivation - Part 1

    As a speaker you are in sales. Yes, you really are. When you speak you are trying to sell the idea on something whether it be an idea or a course of action. This means the audience needs to be motivated. How do you motivate them? In this segment (Part 1 of 2) you will discover how the audience can be motivated either by what they can attain or what they can hope to avoid.

  • • 2024-01-25

    Conflict is the Hook

    How do you engage the audience's attention right away? Conflict is the hook. Listen to today's video to learn more about the use of conflict in a speech or story.

  • • 2024-01-04

    Verbal Pauses

    Have you heard of verbal pauses? Trust me, you have heard them. What are they and how can you, as a speaker, overcome them?