It’s All in the Details!

The photo above is a Christmas Dollhouse Miniatures roombox (scale 1:12) that I made in 2021 and was subsequently published in Issue 90 of Dollhouse Miniatures magazine.


Dollhouse Miniatures is not a hobby that is well known in Canada.  These pieces are intended to be a form of art (not a toy) and the idea is to create a room (or house) that has just enough detail as to draw the reader in and allow them to use their imagination and visualize a story within the piece.


I completed the first version of the roombox by the end of September and submitted it for consideration.  While the Editor liked it, she felt it was missing a few things that would draw the reader in and she offered a number of suggestions.  Being open to feedback, I got back to work.


Paulo Coelho said, “The devil is in the detail[s],” and I made the following changes to my roombox (imagine what it would have looked like before this):


·         I added the “Joy” bell pull (which I made) and the “Noel” banner.

·         I made the “AJ” stocking and hung it from the fireplace garland.

·         A plate of cookies was added to the coffee table.

·         A pencil sits on the desk.

·         I made the rectangular poinsettia rug under the desk chair and added a poinsettia doily to the sitting area to serve as an area rug.


Once these changes were made, I resubmitted it to the Editor for consideration and was given the “thumbs up!”  It would be published in their Christmas issue and shared with readers around the world!

As with many things in life, details can make all the difference.  Even small, seemingly minor touches can take something from good to great.


The photo below shows the fireplace garland in detail.  Would you believe me if I told you it took two weeks to make?  The three gold bows took a whole weekend as the wired ribbon had to be shaped and then carefully glued and the beads added on.  The gold balls on the garland were ready-made, but the rose and silver balls were clear beads, painted with glue and rolled in glitter.  Once dry, the bows and beads were very carefully glued into place, one by one.  It’s one-of-a-kind and adds a level of detail to the room that would otherwise not have been achieved.


There are a few parallels to be drawn from this to project to life.  Firstly, details matter.  A small change or two (either personal or professional) can make a big difference.  Many times, that small change only requires a bit of effort and results in a vastly improved result.  Secondly, feedback is meant to help.  If someone takes the time to provide feedback, it is for our benefit and can help us take something from good to great. 

What detail can you add to take something from good to great?  Have you received feedback from a trusted person – are you ready to get to work? 

Recommended Resources

-          An article on how details make the difference in Customer Service - “Small Details Make A Difference” -

-          Forbes Article by Jack Zenger – “There is No Feedback Fallacy: Understanding the Value of Feedback” -

Monthly Challenge

-          Think of one or two things you can do to add a level of detail in your work, then seek out feedback from a trusted colleague.




The Tree