The Tree

While listening to a video from my virtual success mentor, Darren Hardy, I took these notes: “A tree will soak in as much nourishment as it can, grow its roots down deep and then grow as tall as it can.  It will stretch as high and wide as nature will allow (ie. it doesn’t grow to only half its potential) and then look down as if to remind us how much each of us could become if we would only do as much as we can.  Like the tree, stretch upward and outward to the full measure that you can.  Do the best you can for as long as you can.  To settle for doing less than you could is to fail at this worthy undertaking.  If our results are less than our potential suggests that they should be, then we must strive to become more today than we were the day before.  The greatest rewards are always reserved for those who bring great value to themselves and to the world around them as a result of who and what they have become on this epic journey.” (courtesy of Darren Hardy and his mentor, Jim Rohn)


As I reflected on this, I saw three components:

·         Soak In

·         Dig Deep

·         Grow Up


#1 – Soak In

In order for any living thing to grow, it needs to soak in nourishment.  No nourishment, no growth – period.  For trees, that nourishment is found in the soil and water is required to absorb those nutrients and grow.  As humans, we literally can’t live without food and water – they are essential for growth. 


In terms of our internal growth, we also need to soak in “the good stuff” that promotes development.  This could include things such as reading quality books, listening to videos or podcasts from reputable sources, watching educational/informational programming, getting a mentor, joining a club, taking classes and more.  What nourishment do you soak in to promote your internal growth?

#2 – Dig Deep

Trees have roots for a reason.  They absorb nutrients and provide stability.  When storms come (except in cases of severe weather), roots keep trees grounded.  We all have roots in our lives.  I was very fortunate to have had good parents and they gave me good roots that kept me grounded in later years when things were tough.  Let your roots grow deep.  They will help nourish you and stabilize you in tough times.


#3 – Grow Up

Trees can only grow in one direction and that is up – towards the sun.  Reread the opening paragraph on page 1.  Are you stretching as much as you can to reach your potential?  Remember, a tree doesn’t just grow to half its potential. 


Growth in trees happens slowly.  If you look at a tree every day, you won’t see growth, but if you look at it once and then again a year later, you will see the growth that happened over the prior year.  Growth happens slowly on a daily basis, and the results will be seen over time.


What are you soaking in?  Are you digging your roots down deep?  Are you growing up?

Recommended Resources

-          Song, “Dig Your Roots,” by Florida Georgia Line (video on You Tube).

-          Song, “Born and Raised,” by Hunter Brothers (video on You Tube).

-          Amazon has several “Self-Development” workbooks for men and women.  You can easily search for one that interests you and then spend time working through it.


Monthly Challenge

-          Watch this Suvic Sponge ad on You Tube -

Reflect: What happened to the sponge when it was placed in water?

-          Watch this timelapse video of an acorn becoming an infant tree in eight months (note the comment below the video noting that growth is slow) -

Reflect: What stood out to you in this video?


It’s All in the Details!


A Gift to Yourself