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  • • 2024-02-14

    Take the Step

    In early 2024 I had been invited to speak to the “Downtowners” Toastmasters Club in Regina on the topic of Networking. I was immediately inspired by the topic and did this custom speech just for their Club.

  • • 2023-12-18


    This was a Toastmasters Pathways “Research and Present” project speech that was based on my experiences in walk/running events in 2023. I had a lot of fun with this speech and humor definitely comes into play.

  • • 2023-10-23

    From There to Here

    This is my Toastmasters Pathways project speech titled, “From There to Here.”

  • • 2023-04-29

    Two Words (District 42 Contest)

    This is the the recording of my speech, “Two Words” at the District 42 Toastmasters International Speech Contest. The contestants were not provided copies of the recordings of their contest speeches. As the contest was pre-recorded (prior to the District Conference) I was able to record my speech on my iPad when it was played at the Conference. For best results, please turn up the volume.

  • • 2023-04-12

    Two Words (Practice)

    This is a recorded practice of my 2023 Toastmasters International Speech Contest speech titled, “Two Words.” It was recorded on my iPad and you can see the grey “foot” of the iPad stand at the bottom of the screen. The iPad was sitting on top of several packages of paper (that is the white surface underneath the iPad).

  • • 2022-10-03

    It's Mine and I'm Stickin' To It (Practice)

    This is a practice run-through of my speech for the District 42 Humorous Speech Contest in the Fall of 2022. I recorded this on my iPad at home.

  • • 2022-05-08

    Where Do You Live? (District 123 Contest)

    This is my Toastmasters speech for the 2022 International Speech Contest titled, “Where Do You Live?” That year I competed in District 123 (Ontario, Canada) and placed third. That was the first time I had placed in the top three at the District level and I was thrilled!